You'll love the handy zip-up tool case you can make from the Running with Scissors pattern! Designed in collaboration with popular fabric designer Tula Pink, the tool case will hold Tula's hardware collection or can be customized to fit rotary cutters, rulers, and tools from most manufacturers.
Add-on Video™ notice: There is an Add-on Video™ available for this pattern. The Add-on Video™ is specially designed to support specific parts of the pattern and help you learn best techniques. It doesn't replace the pattern -- it will enhance your sewing experience! To support local quilt shops, related paper patterns include a $5 coupon for the value of the Add-on Video™. Customers can then use the coupon to get the video for free on the ByAnnie website.
Size: 9-1/2" high x 12-1/2" wide x 1-/2" deep Pattern for yardage