Li Ion 48 Volt Battery 3 Pack Bundle - Trojan
3 Trojan 48V GC2 Lithium-Ion Batteries
State of Charge Guage Kit
CAN Cables
Lester II Summit Bluetooth Charger
AC Cord
DC Cord Ring Connector with Safety Lockout
Setup for Onboard Application
8-year Warranty, 4 full and 4 Pro Rated
Internal battery disconnect, redundant protections using three
levels of fusing, state of charge indicator with aging compensation,
CAN-Bus communication
Battery Quick Facts
@25 Amps / 72
5-Hr Rate / 30 Ah 10-Hr Rate / 30 Ah 20-Hr Rate / 30 Ah
Length / 10.4 (264) Width / 7.1 (180) Height / 10.9 (278)
37 (16.8)
-4°F to 113°F (-20°C to 45°C)